Tuesday 28 February 2012

Nail It

Spring is upon us! And with that out come new spring trends. S/S 2012 will see pastels /strong, jewel colours/ print/ twenties, flapper style.
I combined two - pastels on my nails (aqua shades are everywhere), strong colour on my trousers (right now you just can't escape coloured jeans)

Trousers - New Look


Friday 24 February 2012

Black and white

Monochrome - a trend that is always in. If you have your eye on some black and white combination you shouldn't really hesitate and just buy it. It will be a piece that you will wear over countless seasons and probably will have to get rid of it only when damaged beyond repair (or when you will really get bored of it).

Polaczenie bieli z czernia to trend zawsze na czasie. Jesli zastanawiasz sie nad zakupem stroju w takiej wlasnie kombinacji to nie mysl za duzo i kup. Bedzie to rzecz ktora bedziesz mogla nosic przez wiele lat, a wyrzucisz ja tylko wtedy gdy zniszczy sie ponad wszelka mozliwosc naprawy (badz kiedy sie po prostu nia znudzisz).

Dress - DP, Bag - Vintage, Shoes - Matalan (old)

Have a great weekend


Tuesday 21 February 2012

My dream dress

First I saw it in the summer in Elle. Then couple of months later it popped up in one of TV fashion programmes. By then I was obsessively checking shop's website to see when will it finally make appearance for mere mortals to be able to enjoy it. And then, in November it came. I saw it online, next day went to the shop and tried it on and decided that I look damn good in it (if I may say so myself). But suddenly I thought - but  I won't be able to wear it -it doesn't look good with thick tights, it's too delicate for winter and I will just hang it in my wardrobe and admire on the hanger. So with broken heart and empty hands I left the shop. And I didn't return. Until today. I walked in the shop and there, on the "Last chance to buy" rail, was my dress. The only one left. And it was my size. And so I was reunited with the love at first sight. This time I left the shop with a bag.

Po raz pierwszy zauwazylam ja w letnim numerze Elle. Kilka miesiecy pozniej pojawila sie w telewizji w jednym z programow o modzie. Wtedy juz obsesyjnie zaczelam sprawdzac strone internetowa sklepu aby nie przeoczyc momentu, kiedy bedzie dostepna dla zwyklych smiertelnikow. Az nadszedl listopad. Zobaczylam ja na internecie i nastepnego dnia przymierzylam ja w sklepie. I moim skromnym zdaniem stwierdzilam, ze wygladam w niej naprawde dobrze. Ale nagle pomyslalam, ze nie bede jej mogla nosic, bo nie wyglada dobrze z grubymi rajstopami, jest za delikatna na zime, powiesze ja tylko w szafie i bede podziwiac na wieszaku.Wiec ze zlamanym sercem i pustymi rekami wyszlam ze sklepu. I nie wrocilam. Az do dzisiaj. Weszlam do sklepu, a tam, na wieszaku "Ostatnia szansa zakupu" wisiala moja sukienka. Jedyny egzemplarz. W moim rozmiarze. I tak zostalam polaczona z moja miloscia od pierwszego wejrzenia. Tym razem wyszlam ze sklepu z torba.

Dress and Shoes - New Look

Night, night


Saturday 18 February 2012

A spot of DIY

Couple of years ago I bought a sewing machine in an attempt to create lots of amazing things with a bit of snipping and stitching. What I used it so far - shortening two pairs of curtains and making a laundry bag for my daughter's room. But recently I started taking it out a bit more for a reason actually bought it for. And now I owe my husband a grey hoodie as I decided to transform one by cutting the hood off and making it into a casual/sporty top to wear with statement necklace.
Then I had a look into my wardrobe and decided that two sequined skirts is too much so I made one (seen here http://www.fashionholickarolina.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2011-01-01T00:00:00Z&updated-max=2012-01-01T00:00:00Z&max-results=11  ) into a ... bag.

Pare lat temu kupilam maszyne do szycia. Byl to zakup impulsywny dokonany w zgubnym przekonaniu, ze od teraz bede mogla tworzyc niesamowite rzeczy za pomoca paru ciec i sciegow. Do czego zostala maszyna uzyta? Skrocenie dwoch par zaslon i uszycie worka na brudne rzeczy do pokoju mojej corki. Ale ostatnio zaczelam wyciagac maszyne w celu, w jakim ja zakupilam. W rezultacie jestem winna mojemu mezowi szara bluze z kapturem ponewaz z jego starej obcielam kaptur i zrobilam "sportowy" top do noszenia z pokaznym, eleganckim naszyjnikiem.
Potem spojrzalam do swojej szafy i stwierdzilam, ze dwie cekinowe spodniczki to za duzo na jedna osobe, wiec przetworzylam jedna z nich (post http://www.fashionholickarolina.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2011-01-01T00:00:00Z&updated-max=2012-01-01T00:00:00Z&max-results=11 ) w torebke :)

Skirt /spodniczka

Bag/ torebka

Top - Paper Dolls, Skirt - River Island, Shoes - New Look

Have a nice Saturday


Friday 17 February 2012


Some things will never go out of style. This is a dress my Grandma handed me down. Let's just say in a competition "who is older" between dress and me the dress won ;) I love everything about it - cut, print and the fact that it is highly possible that I will never bump into another girl wearing the same dress...

Pewne rzeczy nigdy nie wyjda z mody. Te sukienke dostalam od mojej Babci. Powiedzmy tylko, ze w pojedynku na wiekowosc pomiedzy sukienka a mna, sukienka wygrala ;) Uwielbiam w niej niemal wszystko  - kroj, motyw, a przede wszystkim fakt, ze z bardzo duzym prawdopodobienstwem nigdy nie spotkam dziewczyny w takim samym stroju...

Dress Vintage, Shoes New Look, Bag DP, Belt TKMaxx

Have a fab weekend



Wednesday 15 February 2012

Baby it's cold outside


Well, it was, just a couple of days ago. I'm not one for a cold weather. Funny though, whenever I make a comment on how cold it is there is always someone to point out that I'm form Poland so I surely should be used to low temperatures. Well, no. I think the only people who can (and are) used to cold are Eskimos. I can get used to heat, no problem at all, but cold? No, thank you. Fortunately the cold is on it's way out, days are getting longer and I will be able to go back to my dresses, wedges, blazers, cardies etc. Can't wait.

And here's my favourite (and only) winter look

Nie lubie zimna. Wiele osob uznaje to za moja fanaberie - skoro jestem z Polski to przeciez na pewno jestem przyzwyczajona do zimna - takie uwagi dosc czesto pojawiaja sie gdy tylko napomne, ze jest okropnie na dworze. Moja odpowiedz - nie, nie jestem. Jeydni ludzie ktorzy moga sie przyzwyczaic to Eskimosi. Ja moge z checia przyzwyczaic sie do goracych klimatow. Na szczescie niskie temperatury sa w odwrocie i moge powrocic do noszenia sukienek, obcasow, sweterkow itd. Nie moge sie doczekac.

A to moj ulubiony ( i jedyny) zimowy stroj

Jumper H&M, Boots New Look


Monday 13 February 2012

Get to the point

Fashion trends tend to be quite repetitive. Every 8 to 10 years some things reappear on the catwalk and celebrate their revival.Some trends enjoy huge comebacks, some just make a little statement and off they go again not to be seen again until 8 seasons later.

Case in point - pointy shoes (lots of points in my post today :) SORRY!). I witnessed their huge popularity in the 80. (together with ra-ra skirts, ripped denims and all other crimes of fashion-oh, you jut got to love the eighties), got two or three pairs about 6 years ago when they were making very brief reappearance and now BOOM!-pointy shoes are back with a vengeance. And as I have a bit of problem getting rid of any footwear that ever adorned my feet now I can greet Spring 2012 with two pairs of vintage (ok, circa 2005) pointy court shoes. And I do love them.

Trendy w modzie maja tendencje do powtarzania sie. Co 8-10 lat pewne rzeczy ponownie pojawiaja sie na wybiegachi swietuja odswiezone zainteresowanie. Niektore trendy ciesza sie ogromnym powodzeniem,niektore tylko zostawiaja maly slad po sobie i znow odchodza w zapomnienie by pojawic sie ponownie za jakies 8 sezonow.

Przyklad-tzw. "buty z czubkiem". Bylam swiadkiem ich ogromnej popularnosci w latach 80. (razem ze spodniczkami "lambada", podartymi jeansami, spodniami "piramidami"i roznymi innymi zbrodniami przeciwko modzie), kupilam dwie lub trzy pary 6 lat temu gdy na krociutko pojawily sie w naszej modowej swiadomosci a teraz BUM! - buty z czubkiem powrocily z hukiem. A ponewaz mam maly problem jesli chodzi o pozbywanie sie jakichkolwiek butow ktore zdobily kiedys moje stopyteraz moge pochwalic sie dwiema parami "czubkow" :)

Blazer H&M, Dress Reserved, Shoes (yellow) DP (snakeskin) Matalan

Enjoy your week


Friday 10 February 2012

Aye aye captain!

So as the title obviously suggest it I want to write about eyes today :) About mascara to be precise.
I am one of those women who never leave house without any make up. And yes, it means going to a corner shop too. My make up staple is mascara. I don't need much for my basic make up, just concealer for my dark circles, a bit of powder and mascara. Without the latter I feel half naked. And I also look half awake.
Hence finding the perfect mascara that actually does to my eyelashes what it says it will has been my life-long mission.

These are my recent purchases. Some proved a hit some a total miss. What I want my mascara to do to my eyelashes is to make them appear longer and thicker without clumping. What I do not want it to do is to make my lashes look "natural". I'm more after fake eyelashes effect (hey, we all need some fakery in our lives).

And the winners are:

From left: Soap&Glory Thick and Fast, Astor Big&Beautiful Boom, Benefit BadGal Lash (the best so far, I always go back to this one).
There should also be L'Oreal Million Lashes but I finished one recently.

But I'm still looking for that miracle mascara that WILL give my the fake lashes effect. I'll keep you posted

Have a great Friday

Thursday 2 February 2012

Nail it

Neon is still everywhere in fashion - clothes, accessories, make up, nails. I like. But I find it a bit difficult to include it in my winter wardrobe and shopping for summer neon is a little bit too daunting as temperature is dropping lower by a day pushing the perspective of summer further and further away.
So my winter take on neon is to include it in my make up (and the best way to do so is to be slightly adventurous with your lipstick) and obviously on my nails.

Neon to trend ktory nadal mocno trzyma pozycje w modzie - ubrania, dodatki, makijaz, paznokcie. I like. Ale z trudem udaje mi sie wlaczyc go w moja zimowa garderobe, a kupowanie letnich "neonow" jest zbyt przygnebiajace - temperatura spada coraz nizej odpychajac perspektywe lata coraz dalej.
Wiec moj sposob na neon w zimie to uzycie go w makijazu (a tu klania sie pomadka) i oczywiscie na paznokciach.

If you decide to use neon in your make up make sure that it plays the main role and is the only strong accent. Otherwise you'll end up looking like you are on your way to a rave party.

Jesli zdecydujesz sie uzyc neonowych kolorow w makijazu musisz sie upewnic, ze bedzie to jeden i dominujacy akcent. Inaczej bedziesz wygladac jak w drodze na techno party.

Night night
