Friday 30 March 2012

Short print

I do apologise. This is a case of a serious blog neglect. I won't even try to go into explaining myself, I'm just sorry. I will not do it again :)

Anyway, today I want to show you a dress that I got last year from River Island and I  didn't have a chance to wear it once. It's just quite short and very clingy so I don't feel comfortable wearing it on it's own. But recently I bought this blazer in H&M and it's a great piece to hide all the tummy sins :)
Still, that outfit would be my choice for a night out or a date night with my hubby (we don't get the very often :( so when we do manage to get someone to look after our sleeping beauty I try to make a bit more of an effort).

Z glebi serca przepraszam. To jest przyklad powaznego zaniedbania blogowania. Nawet nie zaczne sie tlumaczyc, po prostu przepraszam, juz tak nie zrobie:)

Dzisiaj chcialabym pokazac sukienke, ktora kupilam w zeszlym roku w River Island i ani razu jej jeszcze nie zalozylam. Jest dosyc krotka i bardzo obcisla wiec nie czuje sie wygodnie noszac ja bez zadnego "okrycia". Ale niedawno kupilam te marynarke w H&M i jest to swietna rzecz aby przykryc wszystkie grzechy okolic brzucha :) Pomimo tego ten zestaw wystepuje u mnie w roli stroju na wieczorne wyjscie badz "randke" z mezem (niestety nie udaje nam sie to czesto :( wiecjesli juz  mamy kogos do zajecia sie nasza spiaca krolewna wtedy lubie wygladac troszke bardziej atrakcyjnie niz na zwylkym wyjsciu do Tesco).

And here's why I wouldn't wear this dress without something to cover up. I do love the print on it though.

A tutaj dowod na to dlaczego nie nosze tej sukienki bez czegos bardziej zakrywajacego. Ale bardzo lubie wzor i kolory na niej.

See you soon


Saturday 17 March 2012


I don't want to brag but I always get lots of compliments on how smooth my skin is. Not that I let everyone touch me and stroke me but close friends and family sometimes do :) And it's true - my skin is very soft but it's a result of my bordering on obsessive moisturising. I've got quite dry skin and ever since I was a teenager I was smothering myself in all different types of creams, balms and oils.
I can't go for more than 5 minutes after bath or shower (especially if it includes shaving) without putting moisturiser on.
There is couple of things I like my cream (lotion, oil, etc) to have - nutty or fruity scent, rich consistency that sinks in well and preferably as little nasty chemicals as possible.

I don't tend to stick to one product or one brand, there is so many choices on the market that every month there is something new and exciting to try.
Here are my recent favourites:
  • GARNIER BODY INTENSIVE NOURISHING LOTION - lovely consistency, even better scent and really does what promises  - my skin feels very soft and moisturised after use.
  • NAKED BE SMOOTH BODY CREAM - one of the more "natural" brands claiming to have 97% natural ingredients. Great moisturising, not too keen on smell.

  • JERGENS NATURALS SKIN FIRMING LOTION - also "natural"brand, also claims to be 97% natural. Probably my favourite, love absolutely everything about it - smell, consistency, the way my skin feels after use and to top it off, very handy pump dispenser.

  • AKAMUTI MACADAMIA OIL - fab brand offering 100% natural products, this is great body treat, very rich with fantastic nutty smell, this is not something I use daily but more as a weekly treat as it is 100% cold pressed oil from macadamia nuts so obviously doesn't absorb that well. But after a bit of massaging and a bit of waiting it does sink in and leaves my skin smooth and happy

And in summer I love a bit of sparkle on my skin so on top of my moisturiser I use body oil
and my absolute favourite is Sephora Body Sparkle Oil (why, oh why there is no Sephora in UK? Why???)

 Not only do they look beautiful but they smell as delicious as their names - Chocolate Praline (with a bit of brown tint - great on tan) and Sweet Cake. YUM!

And talking about delicious - a picture of cupcakes I made earlier today (did I mention that I like baking?)

Have a lovely weekend

Thursday 15 March 2012


Hands up, who loves a bit of sparkle? I do. Give me a bit of sequins or brocade  every day and I'll be a happy bunny. But because I'm definately over the age of 12 I need to have it in very small and carefully placed doses. Shoes are always a good idea.

Reka do gory, kto lubi odrobine swiecidelka? Ja bardzo. Ale poniewaz juz dawno przekroczylam wiek lat dwunastu musze zadowolic sie cekinami, brokatem itp w bardzo malych i ostroznie umiejscowionych dozach. Buty to dobry pomysl.

Shoes - Dolcis, Dress - Wallis, Bag - vintage

Have a great Friday


Sunday 11 March 2012

Rock chick(ish)

Just because sometimes it's good to have a bit of edge. And I wanted to show off my fab "bondage" shoes ;). And my old and absolutely favourite top (I used to call it "lip top" but just recently my daughter said to me - "Mummy why your top got a hole?" - referring to the slit on the bust. And later in a shop - "Mummy I can see your hole!". So now it's a "hole top":) ).

Bo czasami dobrze pokazac troche pazura. A poza tym chcialam sie pochwalic moimi butami :) I moim starym, ale najulubienszym topem (kiedys zwanym "usta top" ale niedawno moja corka powiedziala do mnie - "Mamusiu, dlaczego masz dziure w bluzce?" odnoszac sie do rozciecia na dekolcie. A pozniej w sklepie "Mamusiu, widze twoja dziure!". Wiec teraz jest "dziura top" :) ).

Top - ooooold find in TKMaxx, Skirt - River Island, Shoes - Office, Bag - DIY

Please don't forget to check (and Like :) ) my FB page / Prosze nie zapominajcie o odwiedzaniu i (Lubieniu ;) ) mojej strony na Facebook'u

Have a lovely Sunday

Thursday 8 March 2012

I'm blue

To all fab women out there - HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY :)

Wszystkim wpanialym kobietom - WSZYTKIEGO NAJ Z OKAZJI DNIA KOBIET :)

As I said in one of previous posts, coloured trousers are everywhere. They come in jewel colours, pastels, animal prints (I sooooo want one but I just can't justify buying a pair that I will only be able to wear once or twice a month - unless I choose to be very stylish while out in a park with my daughter), flowery prints etc.
I had a hard time deciding which colour to choose but after much deliberation I went for this lovely blue pair (better picture of the actual colour here). And I do get to wear it a lot :)

Jak juz wspomnialam w jednym z wczesniejszych wpisow, w tym sezonie nie da uniknac sie kolorowych spodni. Wybor jest duzy - zywe, nasycone kolory, pastele, kwiaty, wzory zwierzece (bardzo chcialabym pare w "panterke" ale nie moge kupic czegos, co zaloze byc moze dwa razy w miesiacu, chyba ze bede super modna mama ganiajaca za dzieckie po parku) itd.
Bardzo ciezko bylo mi wybrac kolor moich spodni, ale po dlugich przemysleniach i wielu przymiarkach zdecydowalam sie na te niebieska pare (lepsze zdjecie koloru tutaj). I nosze je bardzo czesto :)

Trousers - New Look, Blazer - H&M, Shoes - New  Look

Have a great day

Sunday 4 March 2012

Casual edge

Post also known as "my garden fence pt II".
There are days when I just can't be bothered  and happily spend entire day in my old, stretched out leggins and t-shirt (and sometimes I actually do :) ). But then there are days when I like to look like I made a bit of effort to look effortlessly put-together. On those days I like to combine jeans with something a bit more edgy, and nothing beats plain top with a statement necklace. Add an eye-catching clutch, good pair of comfortable heels (yes, such do exist. The pair I'm wearing is probably the most comfortable pair of shoes I ever owned. I could run around in them all day and still dance the night away) and I'm ready to run my errands.

Wpis rowniez znany jako "moj plot ogrodowy,czesc II".
Sa takie dni, kiedy nic mi sie nie chce i z radoscia spedzam caly czas ubrana w stare, rozciagniete legginsy i t-shirt. Ale sa tez takie dni, kiedy lubie wlozyc troche "wysilku" zeby wygladac stylowo, ale z luzem. Wtedy najczesciej lacze jeansy z czyms bardziej "przemyslanym"-bardzo lubie polaczenie zwylkego, prostego topu z duzym, ciekawym naszyjnikiem. Dodaje tylko fajna torebke, pare wygodnych obcasow (tak, takowe na prawde istnieja - te na zdjeciu sa najwygodniejsza para butow jaka kiedykowiek posiadalam. Moge biegac w nich caly dzien a potem przetanczyc cala noc) i jestem gotowa do dzialania.

Jacket - TKMaxx, Jeans - H&M, Booties - Office, Clutch- Primark, Necklace - DP

Have a lovely Sunday

Saturday 3 March 2012

A bit of Spring

Finally! For the past couple of days Spring has been making a steady appearance and the air getting warmer and warmer. So I decided that it's time to take my picture-taking outside. And today in the morning it got really cold. Thanks. But I still stuck to my guns and went to the garden to take couple of pics (sorry about the fence in the background - our garden is tiny) where the wind blew everything all over the place and the grey clouds covered the whole sky. Oh well, we are nearly there anyway  :)

Nareszcie! Od paru dni w powietrzu pachnie wiosna. Zatem zdecydowalam, ze najwyzsza pora zabrac aparat na dwor i zaczac robic piekne zdjecia w naturalnym swietle na lonie natury. A dzisiaj rano zrobilo sie super zimno. Dzieki. Ale i tak postawilam na swoim  i zrobilam pare fotek w ogrodku (przosze wybaczyc plot w tle - nasz ogrodek jest malenki), gdzie wiatr rozwiewal wszystko dookola, a szare chmury pokrywaly niebo. Ale co tam, wiosna coraz blizej :)

Skirt - H&M, Jacket - TKMaxx, Clutch - Max C, Shoes DP

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Thank you :*

A dla wszystkich uzytkownikow Facebook'a - prosze odwiedzcie i Lubcie
Dziekuje :*

Enjoy your weekend