Thursday 2 February 2012

Nail it

Neon is still everywhere in fashion - clothes, accessories, make up, nails. I like. But I find it a bit difficult to include it in my winter wardrobe and shopping for summer neon is a little bit too daunting as temperature is dropping lower by a day pushing the perspective of summer further and further away.
So my winter take on neon is to include it in my make up (and the best way to do so is to be slightly adventurous with your lipstick) and obviously on my nails.

Neon to trend ktory nadal mocno trzyma pozycje w modzie - ubrania, dodatki, makijaz, paznokcie. I like. Ale z trudem udaje mi sie wlaczyc go w moja zimowa garderobe, a kupowanie letnich "neonow" jest zbyt przygnebiajace - temperatura spada coraz nizej odpychajac perspektywe lata coraz dalej.
Wiec moj sposob na neon w zimie to uzycie go w makijazu (a tu klania sie pomadka) i oczywiscie na paznokciach.

If you decide to use neon in your make up make sure that it plays the main role and is the only strong accent. Otherwise you'll end up looking like you are on your way to a rave party.

Jesli zdecydujesz sie uzyc neonowych kolorow w makijazu musisz sie upewnic, ze bedzie to jeden i dominujacy akcent. Inaczej bedziesz wygladac jak w drodze na techno party.

Night night


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