Monday 13 February 2012

Get to the point

Fashion trends tend to be quite repetitive. Every 8 to 10 years some things reappear on the catwalk and celebrate their revival.Some trends enjoy huge comebacks, some just make a little statement and off they go again not to be seen again until 8 seasons later.

Case in point - pointy shoes (lots of points in my post today :) SORRY!). I witnessed their huge popularity in the 80. (together with ra-ra skirts, ripped denims and all other crimes of fashion-oh, you jut got to love the eighties), got two or three pairs about 6 years ago when they were making very brief reappearance and now BOOM!-pointy shoes are back with a vengeance. And as I have a bit of problem getting rid of any footwear that ever adorned my feet now I can greet Spring 2012 with two pairs of vintage (ok, circa 2005) pointy court shoes. And I do love them.

Trendy w modzie maja tendencje do powtarzania sie. Co 8-10 lat pewne rzeczy ponownie pojawiaja sie na wybiegachi swietuja odswiezone zainteresowanie. Niektore trendy ciesza sie ogromnym powodzeniem,niektore tylko zostawiaja maly slad po sobie i znow odchodza w zapomnienie by pojawic sie ponownie za jakies 8 sezonow.

Przyklad-tzw. "buty z czubkiem". Bylam swiadkiem ich ogromnej popularnosci w latach 80. (razem ze spodniczkami "lambada", podartymi jeansami, spodniami "piramidami"i roznymi innymi zbrodniami przeciwko modzie), kupilam dwie lub trzy pary 6 lat temu gdy na krociutko pojawily sie w naszej modowej swiadomosci a teraz BUM! - buty z czubkiem powrocily z hukiem. A ponewaz mam maly problem jesli chodzi o pozbywanie sie jakichkolwiek butow ktore zdobily kiedys moje stopyteraz moge pochwalic sie dwiema parami "czubkow" :)

Blazer H&M, Dress Reserved, Shoes (yellow) DP (snakeskin) Matalan

Enjoy your week


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